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We are a very young NGO setting our roots in the field of science. Currently, we are in the process of writing projects and getting funds to establish ourselves in the field of conservation science. We will need all the support and help from the people, organizations, and relevant authorities to uplift our common cause of conserving our precious nature.

Human- Elephant Conflict

South India, Karnataka

In the near future, we are planning a project on the conflicted areas in Karnataka to find out the issue and working towards addressing it.

Biodiversity Census/Survey

India (Karnataka, Himachal Pradesh)

There are still places where flora and fauna are very understudied, with this project we are trying to study these places for a better understanding of cryptic life around us. 


India (Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Uttarakhand)

Depleting forest cover is a noticeable threat to wildlife. With the augmented technique we are trying to transform degraded landscapes into greenscapes. 


Everyone on this planet can make a difference, irrespective of their background. We facilitate and give opportunities for every human being to become that change we want in this world.

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