We are a group of scientists and researchers from multiple backgrounds (Molecular biologists, Ecologists, Geologists, Wildlife Experts, and Botanist) who tries to address the issues of nature conservation through science and education and integrate efforts to maintain the ecological balance.
In this century, wildlife is facing many threats, with a growing human population and unregulated development measures, polluting the environment and putting our planet at risk with a severe ecological imbalance. We, from SPECIES, are on a mission to find a solution with scientific research and conducting case studies pan India to address micro-level issues conserving our precious habitats and wildlife, by joining forces with our fellow ecological fraternity. Apart from that, SPECIES is also conducting awareness programs, and training programs, assisting the various stakeholders who are handling and affected by Human-Wildlife conflicts. We encourage young minds/students to join with us who are willing to take up their research work in the field of environment and wildlife.